We live in a chaotic world and to allow ourselves to replenish and heal, we need to reconnect with our bodies and minds. Neurobiologically, we can shift out of helplessness, defense, flight, fright or freeze into a regenerative space of…safety.

I believe that meditation, nutrition, detoxification, movement and being in nature all send us a signal of safety. 

So, if you are a woman who is:

  • Unhappy with your weight and the fatigue of yo-yo dieting
  • Tired of having such low energy that getting out of bed in the morning feels too hard 
  • Struggling with brain fog, mental cloudiness not being able to think straight
  • Suffering from digestion issues such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, or indigestion
  • Tired of the traditional approaches ie. talk therapy or medication not working for you
  • Unable to shake off a feeling that something else is contributing to your anxiety/depression

I have been that woman!

I have been that woman – who has chased medical diagnoses to find answers to the pain, illness and mental discomfort. Using food, detoxification of both my personal and cleaning products, meditation and movement, I was able to radically reclaim my life.

As your Health Coach, I will guide you to:

  • Focus on eating whole, life-giving foods so you don’t need to rely on the scale
  • Recognize stress and learn breathing & mindfulness techniques to help you feel centered
  • Discover new movement to enhance your energy that works for your body
  • Reduce inflammation to stimulate your digestion and improve your mood

Do you dare to dig deeper to uncover what’s causing all your health problems? 

Let me help you create your own Signal of Safety!

Here’s how…


Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”


Changing how you define nutrition is a call-to-action that can radically change your life.

In the world of mental health, there are many “Psychiatric Pretenders”: physical imbalances that masquerade as psychiatric symptoms. Unstable blood sugar shows up as anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia.

Allergic reactions to gluten, dairy, or chemical additives feel like brain fog, lethargy, and depression. This may come as a surprise, but what we eat has this much influence over how we feel.

On a whole foods, high-fat diet, many chronic health problems can begin to reverse themselves in just a matter of days. Eating in this way sends the nervous system a profound and calming signal of safety that restores and resets the body.

Don’t worry about feeling deprived; it’s not a bland-food death sentence! Recipes of this nature are nutrient-dense, organic, and complete; and eliminate the common dietary triggers of physical and psychological disturbance.

In fact, once people adapt to this diet, most of them never go back to their old ways of eating. You’ll feel THAT good. So, you will want to eat as if your life depends on it—because your new, vital, energetic, and joy-filled life does.


“The simple truth is that we are living in a sea of toxins and it is destroying our bodies and brains.”


There are numerous ways to detoxify, and as you clean up your diet and eliminate toxins from your lifestyle, it becomes increasingly important for you to keep your organs of elimination healthy.

Eating more fruits and vegetables is like taking a broom to your cells; all the toxins that get brushed out need to be removed, or you’ll end up feeling worse for your efforts. This is what’s often referred to as a “cleansing crisis.”

Fortunately, we can support the detoxification process by creating movement within our lymphatic system therefore avoiding stagnation of the toxins.

There are so many ways to detoxify the body such as drinking filtered water, doing tongue scraping, oil pulling, alternating hot and cold showers, using a Neti pot, drinking a daily detox cocktail, dry brushing, and even purging negative thoughts. (I cover all this and more in my 12-Week program)  


“Think with the whole body.”


As humans, the ability to move our bodies in a fun and exhilarating way to get our circulation going and set us free is a very primal expression. When we sweat, we boost “feel-good” hormones called endorphins, strengthen our immune systems, and detox.

One type of movement I’d like to share is called Kukuwa®, an African dance workout developed by a world-renowned choreographer, performer, and Professor of African Dance & Culture, that will leave your spirit soaring. You can find a variety of classes on Youtube – just search for Kukuwa.

Whatever type of movement you choose, I highly encourage you to incorporate high-intensity interval training because of its brain boosting benefits. This consists of 30 seconds of maximum effort followed by 90 seconds of recuperation (lower effort).

So take a class, grab a friend, or just free-form express yourself. It doesn’t matter which type of movement you choose; it only matters that you move naturally and enjoy it.


“If you start valuing your breath, valuing your environments, and valuing your projection, then one day you will be surprised that everyone, in turn, will value you.”


Regular meditation, even five minutes a day, can have a positive impact on many areas of your health, including lowered blood pressure, reduced anxiety and depression, pain relief, and improved sleep.

Meditation creates calm and alleviates anxiety, helping to activate a better connection to our autonomic nervous system—responsible for our heart rate, digestion, and the “fight-or-flight” response. 

Short meditations can really pay off with specified breathing, such as diaphragmatic or alternate nostril breathing. 

Our breath acts as a pathway to the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates our relaxation response. Breathing in through the nose and slowly out through the mouth, for example, will tone down arousal and result in a noticeable sense of calm. 

One of my favorite meditations is Dr. Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 breath, where you inhale through the nose for four seconds, hold the breath for seven seconds, and exhale audibly for eight seconds. This practice can help you not only physically relax, but also balance your breath intake in order to exhale more purposefully.

So why five minutes? Well, in Kundalini Yoga, this is the time it takes for the pituitary gland, the master regulator of our hormones, and our nervous system to adapt to a state of calm and reduce anxiety. 


“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”


Exposure to nature not only makes us feel better emotionally, it contributes to our physical well-being, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

Whether we’re surrounded by plants, trees, and wildlife or just sitting near a body of water, nature has a positive impact on our mood.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can improve our moods as much as antidepressants! Besides, it’s an easy way to boost our happiness and well-being and it usually doesn’t us financially.

When we are in nature, we are at home. Therefore, it is easier for us to connect with our true nature—our Higher Self. We become so comfortable, so at ease, that we automatically become mindful of our environment. As such, nature invites our minds to relax to such an extent, that we naturally ‘meditate’. 

Being in nature for me oftentimes means taking a walk in the fern-lined forest where I live, with the smell of mushrooms, or hiking up the hill near my house so that I have a view of the green valley below. Or sitting with my feet in the sand by the ocean, listening to the waves crash on the beach. 

There are woods nearby where I often like to go and sit with my back against a tree, and my bare feet in the dirt to feel the earth energy rising up into my body. Sometimes, when I’m lucky to be sailing on a boat, I feel the wind blowing back my hair. 

Other times I simply sit on a chair with my shoes off, outside in the grass. And one of my most favorite connections to nature is digging with my bare hands in the soil to plant baby vegetable starts knowing they will soon grow into tasty produce!